The Subtext: What Every Member of Sex Addicts Anonymous Should Know About the 12 Traditions of SAA
The 12 Traditions are carefully crafted to conceal a toxic, predatory environment. When practiced together, they make each member vulnerable to subtle manipulation and increasing pressure. Over time, the collective begins to function as God in the conscience of every participant—whether or not they meant to submit to the SAA hivemind as their Higher Power.
What Makes Sex Addicts Anonymous More Dangerous than Other 12 Step Programs?
Sex Addicts Anonymous extracts highly sensitive data from its members in circles that feel confidential while exposing members to predation from unlicensed, unregulated specialists. Eventually, vulnerable members are targeted with classic gaslighting techniques, and pushed into episodes of psychological crisis where they are shamed into "sexual sobriety" and forced into compliance with the social values of the group.