How I Learned About Transpersonal Psychology … and ‘How it [Really] Works’
I learned about transpersonal psychology after I spent slightly over a decade investing in a long-term, professional-level seminary education at the Graduate Theological Union on Holy Hill, in Berkeley, CA, where an interfaith consortium of loosely networked seminaries has been parked for well over a century. After several years, I had opened myself up in spiritual direction at the Chaplaincy Institute, which is affiliated with Starr King. The instructors there steered me into Sex Addicts Anonymous, both as a member dealing with problematic behaviors I had self-identified as “addictive,” and as a student of 12 Step spirituality.
3 Important Mistakes to Avoid if You’re New to Sex Addicts Anonymous
Checking out the 12-Step program Sex Addicts Anonymous? Don’t make these easy-to-avoid mistakes. Protect your privacy, anonymity, family, and future from predators in the circle.
What Makes Sex Addicts Anonymous More Dangerous than Other 12 Step Programs?
Sex Addicts Anonymous extracts highly sensitive data from its members in circles that feel confidential while exposing members to predation from unlicensed, unregulated specialists. Eventually, vulnerable members are targeted with classic gaslighting techniques, and pushed into episodes of psychological crisis where they are shamed into "sexual sobriety" and forced into compliance with the social values of the group.
Spiritual Emergencies in SAA: Gaslighting Addicts into Sobriety
The “anonymous” nature of the SAA program makes it an ideal stage for scripted “spiritual emergencies.” This means that members of the circle use sophisticated gaslighting techniques to shock and overwhelm vulnerable participants with the particular vices and sins which they so openly disclosed to the group.
A Working Definition of “Transpersonal”
[unofficially] a field of reverse psychology discretely manufactured in the early 1960s, in order to mask and validate archaic practices of spiritual psychology wherein large groups target individuals with religious forms of collective manipulation, deception, and complex gaslighting.